
DissMarkII is a Socrates Accompanying Measures project aiming to address the issue   of insufficient dissemination and marketing skills within teams involved in (Socrates) educational projects. The first DissMark Conference & Project Fair were held in October 2006 in Romania. Dissmark II Conference & Fair took place in October 2007 in Estonia. DissMark II is a follow-up to the first DissMark project, and aims to complement and build on the results of the first Conference thus ensuring continuity of the ideas of the first project.

One of the outputs of the first DissMark project is a freeware Dissemination, Marketing and Networking Survival Kit (www.eeuroinclusion.org) presenting theoretical information and best practices to guide project coordinators and partners towards the successful implementation of their educational aims. The proceedings of DissMark II are available in the form of a revised and enhanced Survival Kit. The revised version is based on the feedback received on the first Kit and consultative input from DissMark II Conference & Fair participants.

Dissemination, marketing and networking - keys to maximising the impact of European cooperation in the field of education.

Project is supported by European Commission

This document does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Commission. The authors of the materials have the sole responsibility for the information provided through this document.
© 2012 IH Tallinn